Publisher : Vishvaas Learning
Price : $29
Course Language : English
  • Building many examples such as To do list, YouTube Search API, Imgur Search API...
  • Showing how an application can grow from simple DOM/jQuery app to Redux/React/ES6/React-Router app.
  • 60 lectures (6.5 hours of content) cover the knowledge of ECMAScript 2015(ES6), Redux technology and React framework from basic to advanced levels.
  • There are many exercises and quizzes in each section, which help to re-enforce your knowledge before continuing the next section.
  • Using visual teaching aids such as mind-mapping, colorful drawings stimulating animations and mockups to help you master even the most challenging concepts of React and Redux. Have you ever struggled for several months to get familiar with a new framework in other courses? Do you wonder why few developers can easily adapt to a new technology while others need to put in so much time and effort? In my course, you will be able to work with Redux-React just after 2 WEEKs. The modern teaching and learning method really helps you realize how you will be able to improve yourself and go through the rest of your IT career more comfortably.
  • You will receive support for whatever questions or issues you may have within 24 HOURS!!!!!

This is a well-organized course. The curriculum has been created in such a way that learning Redux-React has never been so easy! It is divided into 9 sections:
  • The three first sections focus on Redux technology. These sections cover both of basic and advanced knowledge of Redux. You may wonder why I don't focus on the React project first. The reason is that I need to stress that Redux has no relation to React. You can write Redux apps with React, Angular, Ember, jQuery, or vanilla JavaScript. Redux works especially well with frameworks like React and Deku because they let you describe UI as a function of state, and Redux emits state updates in response to actions. These first sections only apply Redux into plain JavaScript and jQuery. Applying Redux into React immediately will cause you feel hard to distinguish between the knowledge of React and the knowledge of Redux.
  • The fourth section focuses on ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). In fact, you can work with a Redux & React application without using ES6. However, an experienced React developer usually tries to apply ES6 as much as possible to make his project much more concise and clear. Getting familiar with ES6 will help you go through the next sections more comfortably.
  • The fifth section focuses on React framework. This section also shows clearly how to use React Developer Tools. It is an Chrome extension which helps debugging and managing React components, component's state and props.
  • The sixth and seventh sections illustrate how to apply Redux technology and ES6 efficiently into an React application. After the 6th section, you will know a basic way to use Redux in a React framework. You will also know how to use Redux Dev Tools. It is an Chrome extension which helps debugging and managing Redux state and action. After the 7th section, you will know how to use "React-Redux" library which is an advanced way to handle interactions between Redux and React, and make your project a lot shorter and concise.
  • The eighth section guides you on how to manipulate URLs with React-Redux-Router library
  • The last one give more advanced knowledge.

  • React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces by Facebook and Instagram. We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.
  • So many companies are adopting React.js every day. Some examples of big companies using React are Netflix, Yahoo, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Atlassian. Mastering React framework and Redux technology will offer you a lot of opportunities for the highest paying jobs

  • Managing state in an application is critical, and is often done haphazardly. Redux provides a state container for JavaScript applications that will help your applications behave consistently.
  • Redux is an evolution of the ideas presented by Facebook's Flux, avoiding the complexity found in Flux by looking to how applications are built with the Elm language.
  • Redux is useful for React applications

  • Exploring many features of ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) such as Let, Const, Import, Export, Arrow Functions, Cass, Object Destructuring, Array Destructuring, Spread/Rest Operator, Template Strings, Object.assign().
  • Using many advanced JavaScript features which help make your Redux React project more concise such as, Array.prototype.filter(), Function.prototype.bind().
  • Applying the related technologies supporting React such as "React/Redux Developer Tools, NPM, Webpack, Babel,
  • Using JSX syntax to make the React project more elegant.

Take your HTML, CSS & Javascript skills to the next level by learning one of the hottest Javascript frameworks available today, Vue.js!
Course updated:
October 17: New Section (Transitions & Animations)
September 17: New videos (Event bus & Adding mixins)
If you are unfamiliar with vue.js, or Javascript libraries and frameworks in general, some of the questions you may be asking is:
What is Vue.js?
And why should I learn it in the first place?
Vue.js is a really fun and easy to use Javascript framework for building user interfaces
The core of the framework is very lightweight and fast, and it can be used in projects of any size
From easily dropping it into an existing website or application to just control a part of it such as adding new components,
Right through to medium or large single page applications
Considering the lightweight size of the vue.js core, it is still packed full of features which you will learn about during this course.
During this course you will build 2 fun, exciting and challenging projects, to apply everything you will learn instantly.
We begin with a guest list app where users can add their name to an event guest list. This is a simple app but will guide you through all of the vue.js essentials such as:
  • Two way data binding
  • Event handling
  • Templates and the Virtual DOM
  • List & conditional rendering
  • Binding attributes & styles
  • The Vue instance
  • Javascript expressions
  • Instance properties: Data, Computed, Watchers, Methods, Filters etc
  • Looping & filters
  • Refs and other instance properties and methods
  • Vue lifecycle
  • Plus much more