Publisher : James Stafford

Course Language : English

I don't know if there's any other video that I've been more excited about than this video, I think this might be my best one yet, because I’m going to show you something a little bit different to what’s currently being taught out there.

I’m going to show you step by step 3 ways that I have made money with my website earning my first dollar online and how I have been able to scale to more than a 100/day selling my products and services and other people's products or affiliate marketing.

My name is James Stafford, the creator of WME...

Take a sneak peak - I’ll be showing you two ways I create these pages – both are properly setup in a specific way to convert traffic into customers and I will show you how I have been able to make money from them, but one of these methods in particular uses microfunnels which has made it faster and easier than the other to promote my products and services, Its Awesome within clicks i can create new offers!

I’ll talk more about that shortly and show you how it’s done...

The real meat of this video is based on my exclusive profit hack content accelerator. I call it content accelerator because it accelerates the speed at which I have been able to make money with my content!

Imagine being able to create new offers from every single piece of content you create, every blog post you write, every video that you do, every email you send, everything, this process is a total game changer!

Now this video is totally newbie friendly and you’re going to want to pay attention to this one, because the reason why this method works so well is because we’re giving a ton of value up front.

And this is crucial, because if you’ve tried any kind of online marketing before, you may have noticed that it’s getting harder and harder to get noticed and make money online. It’s no longer as simple as getting a landing page up, building a list, making offers and profiting from the process!

The content accelerator is different because it allows you to send people to a piece of content they DON’T have to put there email addrees or optin for first to get it. That could be a video a podcast, an audio recording, mind map, cheat sheet, a pdf, or even just a single page of killer content on your website.

You give people incredible value and then right below it you have an offer people can take advantage of. Seriously, it’s pretty killer!

The content accelerator can be applied literally to any website or business no matter how big or small. Its ideal if you're a blogger or affiliate marketer, if you run an e-commerce store, have a coaching practise, sell info products or even sell services. Heck, even if you’re just starting out, you can apply the principles I’m going to teach you in this video.

And don’t worry if you don't have any content yet because I’ll show you a super easy hack where you can find valuable content for free so you to sell your products or other people's products which is known as affiliate marketing. Also, I will show how to ensure you promote the right type of content.

There is an awesome free tool I can't wait to show you how to use that makes it super easy to find a treasure trove of content that folks are actively searching for by giving you real data. If you're just starting out is huge because it does the work for you and vets any market your my be interested in saving you time and money.

If that wasn’t enough, I’m also going to be sharing with you something I created called the “Hybrid site” using micro funnels. Micro funnels are super cool because they make the content accelerator super easy to implement – you literally pop in your content so you can plug and play effortlessly.

And once you’ve setup your “Hybrid site” with micro-funnels, you can quickly and easily duplicate these little bad boys in just a matter of clicks..

Put your website on steroids and then some.. Its Awsome!

If you can get this dialed in, you’ll be ready to promote your products and services with literally every piece of content you create.

I don't care if it's a video, blog post, a pdf, a cheat sheet, a mind map... no matter what it is, you just pop in your content and you’re set to jet!

Now if you're thinking James that’s great, but I don't have a product or service to sell yet, then don’t worry – I got you covered!

Because in this video, I’m going to show you how to use other people’s products to sell. This is known as affiliate marketing, and even if you’re an existing affiliate marketer, the content accelerator is going to really help you cut through the noise!


You should be, because it really doesn’t get more simple than this!

There is only one caveat though and that’s this - this is NOT for everyone, Too many people want to make money and not have to work for it... and after a decade of being online, I can tell you that’s NOT how it works.

You have to really want this...and take action on it. This is about showing up daily and doing the work and coming at your prospects from a place of genuine service and adding value. I promise, If you’re willing to take care of the relationship, then the money WILL follow!

And the first place we need to start is with your website – because without this key foundational piece, you’ll struggle to execute this process.

This means having your website properly set up in a way that's going to authentically connect with your audience immediately.

We want to magnetize your website so you’re attracting a quality audience that is hungry for more and is actually signing up for your free stuff so you can start building a highly engaged list.

Now as a bonus in this video, I’m going to teach you how to create my signature hybrid homepage which is how I properly setup my site in a way to make more money from my offers – prepare to be wowed because my hybrid homepage is designed to deeply engage my audience and will practically compel my visitors to keep coming back to my website, converting traffic into subscribers and then ultimately buyers.

Now this course is jam-packed with the good stuff... which is why I want you to pay 100% attention. The more you engage and listen and apply, the more you’ll benefit – and your mindset should be you don’t want anything distracting you from getting the results you truly deserve!

So, switch off your phone, turn off Facebook or any other tab you’ve got open and close off ALL distractions because I’m about to pull back the curtain on what I consider to be one of the most effective ways ever I have been able to make money from my website!

So let me first show you what this is all about!

Check out this webpage here which contains a little video at the top plus it also has some content that educates prospects a bit more.. You can immediately see we're giving a ton of value right up front. Now if I scroll on down a little bit, here’s the offer that’s being promoted.

The golden rule is that above the fold, it's all content, while below the fold - you've got the offer you want to promote.

This can be anything relevant to the content you’ve added and can include things like a dollar trial to a membership site like we do at Websites made easy, an affiliate offer from Amazon or any other seller or even an affiliate information course from places like Clickbank or JVZoo – the sky is the limit, it really is.

The bottom line is this is ALL about giving VALUE VALUE VALUE – that’s it. Nothing complicated or salesy about it. Think about it if you educate people well enough and they can see themselves transforming as a result of using your product or service that’s what it’s all about..

Now I don’t want you getting hung up on the video element of this page, because you can just do a screen share video like this one if you’re not comfortable being on camera – which I’m not, super comfortable just in case you’re wondering. And if you don’t even want to do that, honestly, don’t sweat it because you can even use someone else's video… but I’ll talk more about that later in this video!

Here’s the thing, when done properly...this is going to help people decide whether or not they want what you have to offer. And if you’ve done your bit right, the natural next step is for your readers to go ahead and buy from you!

You’re gonna love it, so let’s get dialed in because there’s lots to show you. This video is based on my signature 3 step WTC System which is a proven blueprint to success with your website or even your blog.

So here’s the thing – for years I struggled to make money online and jumped around buying course after course and getting more and more broke and more and more frustrated because I’d make a tiny bit of money and then nothing.

Long story short, I got so tired of being broke that I swore I would stop buying the latest course with money I didn’t even have and just focus on what I found worked.
So when I stripped everything back, I discovered you only need three things to make money online:
You need to:

  • Build a money-making website
  • Get targeted, high quality traffic to your website
  • Turn leads into paying and repeat customers
Three things – website, Traffic and Customers which is exactly what my WTC system stands for.

That’s it.

So here’s how this course is going to work – I’m going to walk you through how to properly setup your website with the Hybrid homepage which is the foundation of the WTC system.

Let’s get started with step one which is all about creating my profitable Hybrid Website- don’t worry if you’ve never built a website before, I promise it’s not daunting, scary or overwhelming – just follow along with me because the process is simple, easy and doesn’t require any technical skills whatsoever.

You can get started for next to nothing and I think it’s safe to say I’ve got the process pretty dialed in.

What you’re going to be creating is your very own Hybrid Website so you to can make offers using the Content Acclertor

Believe it or not, getting your website up and running from scratch is actually the really easy part.

Once that’s done, we can start adding the juicy bits which is essentially all the key ingredients of the Hybrid website.

These include:

  • hybrid home page
  • High value content
  • irresistible offers
Now our goal for your website is very simple – we want to attract the right people to your website and give them a super valuable piece of content for which they have to sign up to your list to get it.

Once you have someone on your list, you can then start to build and nurture a relationship with them so you can start offering products to them and therefore start making money.

This is why in order to reach that goal of making money, your homepage must connect deeply with your audience AND encourage them to take that next step with you which is signing up for your free stuff.

Your hybrid homepage will allow you to do that very nicely because the way it’s setup will allow you to both engage your audience and prompt them to take action.

Sharing things like your pilot story which is one key ingredient of the hybrid homepage will help you massively because you want to be relatable to your audience and share your experiences in order to create a connection with them.

Stories are the best way to do that!

It's a win-win scenario because your website will give you the freedom and the flexibility of earning while doing something you love.

However, I want you to focus on laying a solid foundation for the success of your website and this means consistently publishing regular content and different offers on your site. This is what all successful bloggers do and is how they make money.

With that being said, let’s take a peek at the website we’re going to be creating.

This is it – it’s killer and we’ll create this using 2 totally free tools called Elementor and Envato Elements.

It’s fresh, clean and beautiful and is the ideal for anyone serious about making money.

Plus, it’s got a ton of options to enhance its functionality so it’s perfect for our content accelerator framework.

One of the key benefits of this theme is that it’s fully mobile responsive which means it’s going to look just as great on a tablet or phone as it does on a desktop and will allow your audience to connect with you wherever they are.

Aside from building your website, you’ll also learn the secret sauce and exact steps we use at websitesmadeesy to turn visitors into raving fans and paying customers too!

Content marketing is huge right now, and this theme is dialed in to ensure your content stands out by placing your content front and center, to really capture the attention of your audience.

So how exactly do you start a money making website?

Creating your site takes just three easy steps using my proven WTC system which is as follows:

Step 1 – Website which is where you create your website.

Step 2 – Traffic where I show you how I properly set up my site to get tons of quality traffic

Step 3 – Customers, where show you how I turn traffic into subscribers and paying customers

As mentioned we’re going to be using WordPress which is a simple web building tool which allows you to have your own website up and running in less time than it takes to make and drink a cup of coffee.

Seriously its never been so easy to get your website up super fast..

It’s the preferred platform of many big name brands who use it to propel their business forward because it’s super easy and intuitive to use.

Ok so to get your website live online we need to get setup with website hosting.