DevOps - Saving Your Code From The Apocalypse

Publisher : Patrick God

Course Language : English

DevOps is a term every single software developer will stumble upon in his or her career.

But what does it actually mean? Do you have to care as a developer? Definitely!

Because DevOps will make your developer life easier. Much easier.

In essence, DevOps is “a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and information-technology operations (Ops) which is intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality.”

In this course, you will learn what these practices are and how they work. We’ll cover the following phases of DevOps.


The crucial part of every software development project. Without the right way and the right tools to communicate with your team, failure is guaranteed. Get to know the best tool to make your project successful.


Before you start implementing any features. You have to plan your project and your tasks. In the past, people used the outdated waterfall model for planning. Nowadays, agile development is the way to go. Learn how to implement the agile software development frameworks Scrum and Kanban and what services you can use for free.


Here’s where the actual work is happening. But it’s not only about the right IDE or your particular programming language. We’re talking about managing and tracking your code here. Learn how to use the right source control system like Git and how powerful this is.

Continuous Integration

DevOps is all about automation. With continuous integration, you’ll learn how to automatically build your code, run automated tests - like unit or integration tests - and finally deploy your application to a server. There are wonderful services for that. Once you see how much time you can save, you’ll never want to go back.


You can deploy your application on a self-hosted server or you can use any of the many platform services out there. Get an overview of what services like Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services and the Google Cloud Platform can do for you and how you can use them for free.


Another part of DevOps is monitoring your servers and applications. Apart from that you also want to log certain events and send notifications in special cases. Of course, there are services for that or you can do that by yourself. It might be easier than you think.


At the end of the DevOps circle, you want your users to give you feedback and also give feedback to them. It’s about IT Service Management (ITSM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and, perhaps most important, issue or bug tracking.

What are you waiting for? Learn all about DevOps right now for free.

Course Image: Romolo Tavani/Shutterstock

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